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‘I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I couldn’t have hoped for a lovelier and more caring setting than Avocet House for my son. Both the care team and the education team are kind, honest and very hardworking. Communication is very good, and they are also very receptive to any concerns or feedback. My son feels happy and settled and is actually thriving there’

Parent – Reg 44 Interview June 2024

‘He had not been able to cope with attending a school for nearly a year before being placed with Avocet House, he is now attending 85% of the school week. They have wrapped around him in a therapeutic way and this has enabled him to develop. The developments he has made in a relatively short time is a great credit to him and the team around him.’

Social worker – Reg 44 Interview May 2024

‘I miss all my family at SES and want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and continue to do even now.’

YOUNG PERSON (moved from Avocet House to SES residential Post 18, before leaving SES in 2024) – April 2024

‘Avocet House is the best children’s home I can imagine, I realise how lucky I have been to live here.  I have said this to the boys living here now and hope they appreciate what they have got.’

YOUNG PERSON (moved on from SES in 2021) – Dec 2023

‘Living at Turnstone House is like living with a new family and I’m happy’


‘It has surprised me how lovely they have all been, they are very responsive, listen to parents’ wishes, we have lots of detailed discussions and it has gone beyond what I had hoped it would be like for him.
Everything is really positive, and any issues are resolved quickly and cordially, and it is all about what is best for the child and it is very clear they think this way.’

PARENT – Reg 44 Interview Aug 2023

‘This is the best place he could be in and even he says he would choose to be at Avocet House when he can’t be home. He has excellent relationships with some of the adults and he is very open with them. I am really happy he is being well looked after.’

PARENT – Reg 44 Interview Apr 2023

‘Educationally they have created a whole package just for him really, filling it with interests, trying to help his independence.
Emotional support for him has been really good, he has strong, positive relationships with staff. He struggles emotionally and with his mental health and they understand him and support him in just the way he needs when there have been any issues.’

SOCIAL WORKER – Reg 44 Interview Oct 2022

‘He has been there a number of years and had quite significant difficulties before moving there, where he is doing really well. He is about to start mainstream college, is travelling independently and they have done a really good job with him to get him to where he is today.
I am happy with how they have worked with him to follow his care plan to this point and the placement has been very beneficial for him. This has been a really positive experience for him.’

SOCIAL WORKER – Reg 44 Interview Aug 2022

‘His whole attitude to himself as a learner and to achieving has changed. Learning Centre staff have managed to get him to engage with the learning process. The way Learning Centre staff direct his learning is excellent. They find ways around [his literacy problems] using ICT etc.’

Parent/Carer B

‘I have never heard the word “No” from Avocet House. They arrange and fund things on their own initiative and there seem to be no limits to what they will do for a child. The Avocet team just get on and do what should be done.
Avocet House has the right balance between being empathetic to where he is and what he has experienced and pushing him forward.’

Social Worker

‘Thanks for all your help and support with …….,
it is so much appreciated. We are all very proud of how ……. has come on this past year!’

Parent/Carer A

‘Children are provided with highly individualised, excellent-quality support. As a result, children make substantial and sustained progress from their individual starting points. The experienced, dedicated and skilled staff forge strong relationships with children. Interactions between the children and staff are extremely positive and filled with high regard and genuine compassion. Consequently, children develop the sense of security and stability that they need to thrive.’

Ofsted Social Care Report Sept 2021

‘Children are making exceptional progress.’

Ofsted Social Care Report Sept 2021

‘I would definitely recommend Avocet House to others and if you have to put your son in a home somewhere it would definitely be somewhere like this. His Social Worker and others have made it clear there are not may other provisions around the country which come close to the level of service they provide there.’

Parent – Reg 44 Interview Aug 2021

‘He has done things he would not even have considered before he lived there such as mountain climbing and overseas exchange trips and, though these have been curtailed by Covid, this can only have helped his confidence. He has been given access to a life he could not have hoped for had he carried on living in London.’

Social Worker – Reg 44 Interview Nov 2020

‘The home has been absolutely phenomenal.
My child is like a totally different person now. The staff have gone above and beyond to enable her success.’

Parent – Social Care Ofsted Report
March 2020

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