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The SES Way

The SES Way

At SES we purposefully create a personalised response, starting from
the young person’s Development and Learning planning structures
alongside our holistic planned therapeutic response, recognising that
every interaction is learning and has the potential to be therapeutic for them.

Our model is explained in more detail in the document below:

SES Way Code of Conduct

All staff sign our SES Way Code of Conduct as part of our collective commitment to acknowledging personal responsibilities in upholding the principles of the SES Way. 

Central to the SES way and its success are relationships within the community, providing relational connection and regulation for children.  We achieve this by putting relationships at the heart of our approach by truly listening and responding to our children’s voices, to create and foster a safe and happy environment where all feel safe, secure and respected. Through relationships adults are able to ensure all aspects of the SES Way become reality.  SES staff are supported to understand how their way of ‘being’ with children on a day to day and moment to moment basis is critical to developing flourishing individuals and communities. 

We recognise that wellbeing and behaviour are inextricably linked.  Research into child development, neuroscience and attachment theory all provide us with the understanding of the direct correlation between positive mental health and optimum learning outcomes.  When children experience safety in their relationships, they can challenge themselves and are open to new learning.  We know that a strong focus on a child’s wellbeing increases the likelihood of children achieving their full potential so it is vital that wellbeing is placed at the very heart of SES.

Our guiding beliefs are captured in our SES Way ethos statement that drives our daily culture: Be Curious, Show Love, Build Connections applies to all interactions, both within SES and with the external world, we expect adults to consider all three elements in all aspects of their roles.

Through our SES Way, we emphasise the importance of the PACE principles (Dan Hughes), and at SES, we use our own PALACE framework at all times, taking the stance of:

  • Playfulness
  • Acceptance
  • Love
  • Authenticity
  • Curiosity
  • Empathy

“The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive. Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.” (Bruce Perry)

By signing our SES Way Code of Conduct staff confirm their commitment to our core principles and agree to embody the values of the SES Way in all aspects of their work.  By adhering to our principles, we foster a trauma-informed environment and support the well-being of everyone in our care.

The SES Way Code of Conduct can be found below:

The SES Way

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