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Snowdon adventure!

In September 2019, three young people from Turnstone House were able to take part in an experience that took each individual outside of their comfort zones. They were joined by two young people from Avocet House to participate in the first joint land-based residential trip between the two homes.

The trip took them to Llangollen in Wales for four days of activities that would include them making an ascent of Mt.Snowdon. Despite being something that none of them had previously aspired to do, they coped well with the physical and mental challenge that it brought. They worked brilliantly together as a team and, with support from the adults and mountain leader, broke through their barriers and successfully make it to the top. All felt a great sense of achievement once conquered and celebrated with a drink of hot chocolate at the summit.

They all felt that the trip was a great success and were able to reflect on how this might help them to overcome future barriers in their lives, whatever they may be. Once the aching muscles and stiff limbs had gone away they next day, they unanimously put forward to undertake climbing Ben Nevis!

Fantastic views on the long ascent to the summit of Mt. Snowdon.
