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Inspirational PATH days

At the end of June we were joined by Sharon and Steph, hosting separate PATH days for Avocet House and Turnstone House.  The entire community of young people and adults gather together bi-annually for this inspiring and motivational look at our journey forward, imagining all kinds of amazing adventures we can have if only we promise to make the first steps.

The colourful illustrations were rapidly and expertly drawn by Steph as everyone shouted out ideas of fun and heart-warming things we could do and places we could visit.  Sharon skilfully helped lead us to our end goal, a plan of small steps we can take to achieve a variety of what has been suggested.  This plan is presented on an eye-catching banner, which will be turned into a wall-mounted canvas to display at each home, providing a constant reminder of our shared hopes and dreams.

Sharon with the (almost) finished article