We believe in a ‘No Limits’
approach to helping children
Welcome to Specialist Education Services, an organisation providing highly specialised integrated therapeutic residential care and education for young people from Norfolk, Suffolk, wider East Anglia and the UK.
SES has an outstanding track record in meeting the needs of young people with severe and complex social, emotional and mental health issues (SEMH) often further complicated by specific learning difficulties. We have successfully worked with vulnerable and traumatised Looked After Children with associated mental health issues, and sexualised behaviours, some of whom have come to us as a ‘step down’ from secure settings.
We adopt a “no limits” philosophy. This means that the adults in our residential care and specialised education establishments have a passionate conviction that all our children are able to achieve. We are optimistic about success and accept no restriction on what is possible with the young people who are in our care and whose education is in our hands.
Bespoke, personalised specialised education and care are hallmarks of our operation, based on a positive psychology perspective that underpins our values.